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United States
1988 March / Present


Anal Cunt was a grindcore band from Boston, USA. They are often referred to by their initials A.C. Due to the perceived—indeed intended—offensive nature of their name, many of their album covers simply displaying the initials A.C. However, the band has managed to subvert even this abbreviation, by drawing these letters in a manner resembling an anus and a vulva. Their musical catalog consists almost entirely (barring the overwrought satirical Picnic of Love album and a number of cover songs) of ridiculously offensive material. The band has often been criticized for its popularity being based solely on their controversial song titles and lyrics rather than any musical ability, and is often mentioned when a debate is being made against the grindcore genre of music. One ongoing dispute is how much Anal Cunt actually believes in what they say on their albums.

Common lyrical themes include misogyny, homophobia, anti-Semitism, racism, ridicule of the unfortunate, and insults directed towards other bands (examples: "Limp Bizkit Think They're Black, But They're Just Gay" and "Anyone Who Likes The Dillinger Escape Plan Is a Faggot"). Some examples of their controversial song titles are "Hitler Was A Sensitive Man", "I Hope You Get Deported", and "Your Kid Committed Suicide Because You Suck" (the original title was "Conor Clapton Committed Suicide Because His Father Sucks"; it was changed because Earache records were afraid that the label might have been sued in response to this song). One recurring song title is "X is gay", with X being a person, place, thing, idea or event. Some well-known examples are: "Technology Is Gay", "The Internet Is Gay", "Windchimes are Gay", and "The Word 'Homophobic' Is Gay".

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Seth Putnam
since 1988 Unknown
Nate Linehan
since 1996 till 1999 Unknown
since 2003 till 2004 Unknown
since 2006 Unknown
Josh Martin
since 1996 till 2003 Unknown
since 2006 till 2011 Unknown
Tim Morse
since 1988 till 1997 Unknown
John Kozik
since 1992 till 1995 Unknown
since 2003 till 2006 Unknown
John Gillis
since 1999 till 2001 Unknown
since 2004 till 2006 Unknown
Fred Ordonez
since 1991 till 1993 Unknown
Mike Mahan
since 1988 till 1990 Unknown
Scott Hull
since 1995 till 1995 Unknown

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