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1981 / Present


A band from Canada(twice being nominated for a Juno award), the Killer Dwarfs were known for their quirky humor, such as all the members surprisingly going by the surname of Dwarf. Lead singer Russ Dwarf only stood in at 5'4", but the rest of the band was rather tall despite rumors that you had to be under a certain height in order to join.

The Killer Dwarfs arose from the ashes of vocalist Russ "Dwarf" Graham and drummer Darrell "Dwarf" Millar's club bands in Toronto, Ontario in late 1981. Rounded out by Bryce "Dwarf" Trewin (guitar) and Ange "Dwarf" Fodero (bass) the band released their self-titled debut album. It would be three years before the follow-up was released; due in part to Bryce and Ange leaving because they thought the band was going nowhere. They both left the band in 1984 to be replaced by Mike "Dwarf" Hall and Bad Ronbo Dwarf (Mayer).

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