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2006 / Present


After the Pestilence adventure way back in the eighties and nineties, it became clear to me that I had to change direction. Musically that is! Being a huge Allan Holdsworth fan also had a downside. Trying to combine metal and jazz turned out to be a disappointment both for fans and the band. Also realizing that it would be nearly impossible to reach such levels of skills making metalmusic made me quit playing guitar for more than 7 years.

Now, lightyears later, I'm back with a new found love for the guitar instrument and would love to share these musical ideas with music lovers all over the world. Recently I started my new project C-187. I will not discuss the style because words are not enough to describe it. Let your ears and brain be the judge. Certainly you will hear Holdsworth in there somewhere (coz he is the man!!!) but also some heavy guitar riffing and (gangstametal) fusion hiphop beats, making this style fresh and new.

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