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1993 / Present


Anata is a technical death metal band formed in Varberg, Sweden in 1993 by Robert Petersson (drums), Fredrik Schälin (lead guitar, vocals), Mattias Svensson (guitar) and Martin Sjöstrand (bass). Anata's penchant for penning unrelenting death metal with a razor-sharp sense of melody has always been an inherent trait in their songwriting. As the band grew as musicians and songwriters, the music shifted into a darker, more death metal direction. Performing live with Dissection, Lake Of Tears and Beseech, Anata also proved to be an intense live outfit. It was in this arena that the band honed their skills equivalent to that of their more experienced countrymen.

Anata's first demo, "Bury Forever the Garden of Lie", was recorded in June 1995. The recording was met with overwhelming success from the European press, and furthered the band’s visibility in the worldwide market. Yet, even with an acclaimed demo behind them and increasing interest from press and labels, guitarist Mattias Svensson and bassist Martin Sjöstrand left the band in 1996. In the same year, Anata found a new bassist in Henrik Drake. Ready for battle once again, Anata recorded their second demo, "Vast Lands of My Infernal Dominion" in 1997. The demo signaled a continued drive to venture faster into the depths of death metal, using the blueprint drawn and re-drawn by their American counterparts as a guide. By year’s end, the band found Andreas Allenmark to fill in as second guitarist.

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Fredrik Schälin
since 1993 Unknown
Henrik Drake
since 1996 Unknown
Conny Pettersson
since 2001 Unknown
Andreas Allenmark
since 1997 till 2008 Unknown
Robert Petersson
since 1993 till 2001 Unknown
Martin Sjöstrand
since 1993 till 1996 Unknown
Mattias Svensson
since 1993 till 1996 Unknown

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