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1997 / Present


Amoral was established by Ben Varon, Juhana Karlsson and Silver Ots in 2000 in Helsinki, Finland.

Their first vocalist was Matti Pitkänen, who was quickly replaced by Niko Kalliojärvi. Former band members also include Ville Sorvali from Moonsorrow on bass. For some time before Sorvali joined Amoral, the band was without bass player, and Ots played bass on some of their demos. Amoral released two demos, Desolation and Other Flesh, with varying line-ups, and played some minor gigs before releasing their first full-length album. Amoral signed with Rage of Achilles Records and released their first album, Wound Creations, in 2004.

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Juhana Karlsson
since 1997 Unknown
Ben Varon
since 1997 Unknown
Ari Koivunen
since 2008 Unknown
Silver Ots
since 1997 till 2010 Unknown
Niko Kalliojärvi
since 2002 till 2008 Unknown
Erkki Silvennoinen
since 2004 till 2007 Unknown
Ville Sorvali
till 2004 Unknown

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