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2002 / Present


The first rehearsal, which took place July 19th, 2002 is possible to consider as FUCK SHIT UP birthday in structure of two person: Alex and Artemy, was in motive power of this guillotine. In 2001, after the next performances ZEROKARMA (Alex's basic group) in club BSB (Vladivostok), on which as the spectator was present Artemy, these two dudes have lighted up idea to stir up the disposable project, in repertoire which would be a cover of high - speed extreme groups (as it seemed for that moment), type SEPULTURA, NAPALM DEATH, etc. Then to arrive in BSB and as it is necessary to blow up this pop place. But only in a year, after Alex sick of incidental Artemy's demands he (Alex) literally for one evening has written three compositions, which in a consequence have entered into first album FUCK SHIT UP. Business remains behind rehearsals. On the first rehearsal they have understood, that is necessary To move grind core to seaside weights. For anything similar was not since times Nahodka's groups PROPAGATION (In which Alex was a drummer). But the structure was not full as was absent a bass guitar. After one of of concerts 'Drive Zone' in Nahodka newly appeared grinders have paid attention to one drunk dude which in a consequence also has borrowed a place of the bass player. All this people are represent the project of musicians of ZEROKARMA and LEGION. Debut FUCK SHIT UP has thundered in Vladivostok club 'In Rock' at its opening. It is necessary to note, that the further concerts passed all only in this institution. Though the project also is Nahodka's, but on the native land it never proved to be. In a year after formations of the project and having a material only for twenty four minutes of sounding, FUCK SHIT UP have solved all to write down the debut album 'Generation Of Defecation'. Concert video also has entered into it. The presentation took place all in the same 'In Rock'.

In the beginning of 2005 the offer from Blacksmith Productions under the edition "Generation Of Defecation" in a CD format has acted to band. The album should leave in April, but on fault of a factory of the manufacturer the output of an album was stretched till September.


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