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2004 / Present


Mist Season was founded in 2004, in Hämeenlinna (Finland). The desire to play music including a spectrum of emotional and dynamic elements, bordering between progressive rock and fusion was the initiative for the group which consists of five members.

Keijo Hakala (bass) has extensive experience as a rock / jazz musician. This holds true for Kimmo Pörsti (drums) as well, who has been involved, for instance, in numerous television music productions. Tommi Varjola (guitar) teaches guitar in a music institute. He and Timo Kajamies (keyboards) both have classical training. Kari Rantakallio (sax) is a professional sax player in a brass band in addition to many theater productions. The members in the quintet have gathered musical experience with an array of different artists, such as Jouko Kantola (formerly with Kaamos), Juhani Aaltonen (formerly with Tasavallan Presidentti), Ted Curson (formerly with Charles Mingus).

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