dev stack:
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2007 July / Present


However you choose to define or perceive Black Metal, one thing is definite, unless there is a true understanding of the ethos that spawned the genre, then the modern day exponents can be nothing but pale imitations of those great bands that laid down the foundations. It is not enough to mouth obeisance to Satan and profess hatred towards humanity. You have to understand what that means. And what it does not mean is repeating the words and thoughts of others. It means walking the paths yourself, exploring and experiencing, until you arrive at your own conclusions. And when you have arrived, then you are ready to express those beliefs through your music in a manner that is yours, and yours alone. If that sound defies categorisation, then so much the better, because Black Metal always was, and always will be, about self-discovery, self-belief, and self-expression.

One musician who has understood this completely is Daniel Markussen, who created WRATH PASSION in order to give voice to his own unique understanding of life. Markussen is not a man who follows the strict tenets of any belief-system. He seeks his inspiration in things that many don’t even know exist, and chooses to ignore as much as possible the mainstream media distractions that might affect his creative process. Being part of the herd is not what Markussen aspires to, because therein lies the main block to creativity and originality. By using layers of hidden, or occult, knowledge, Markussen aims to create a feeling in his music that is blacker and more intense than mere Satanism.

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