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2001 / Present


Triosk was an instrumental trio based in Sydney, Australia from 2001 to 2007. Their music melded their jazz background (the three met at Sydney's Conservatorium of Music) with post-rock and ambient electronica, resulting in a strange, beautiful conglomeration of myriad influences. The group's members - Adrian Klumpes, Ben 'Donny' Waples, and Laurence Pike, on piano/keyboard/samples, electric/acoustic bass and drums/percussion respectively - also make extensive use of samples and processing in both studio and live shows.

The group formed in 2001, with their first release - a collaboration with German experimental electronica artist Jan Jelinek called 1+3+1 - being released on the ~Scape label in November of 2003. From leftover studio time for that session came the group's first album distinct from any involvement with Jelinek, called Moment Returns, released on the Leaf Label in October of 2004. The group's second release is called The Headlight Serenade, released June 2006, also on the Leaf Label. It is a more 'produced' effort, with more of an emphasis on experimentation and textural exploration.

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