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Biography Tony Lakatos

13 Nov 1958

Biography Tony Lakatos

Tony Lakatos,the great Hungarian jazz saxophone player was born on 13th November, 1958 in Budapest.His father was a fantastic Hungarian musician, a violinist.His brother, Roby Lakatos is a great violinist living in Brussels.

As for a start, Tony, then Tónika /Antal/ started learning to play the violin, as it was traditional in his family.To my knowledge,their family is one of the most outstanding gypsy musician families of Hungary, his ancestors can be traced back as belonging to the best violinist family, the Bihari family./I'm not quite sure of the name, though./

The little Tony got to like the saxophone,but his parents didn't approve of him changing his musical instrument.At last, he still started playing, and he appeared at one of Hungary's jazz festivals at the age of 17 as a great talent and surprise for everyone.

Eversince then he has played with all the most renowned Hungarian musicians like Szakcsi Lakatos Béla /piano/,Dresch Mihály /saxophone/,Pecek Lakatos Géza /drums/,Balázs Elemér /drums/,Lattmann Béla /bass guitar/ and numerous others.

He moved to Germany in 1985 /or so/ and has been living there since then, in Stuttgart.He has played with numerous American, German and European jazz musicians.He has had concerts all around Europe,USA and even in Japan.

Tony Lakatos returns to Hungary quite often, so we are lucky to be able to listen to his inventive music.He does not only play jazz standards but also a great composer in his own right.

Tony is married with two daughters, a good hearted, very nice person.

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