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United States
1978 / Present


Social Distortion is an American punk rock band formed in 1978 in Fullerton, California. The band currently consists of vocalist and guitarist Mike Ness, guitarist Jonny Wickersham, bassist Brent Harding and drummer David Hidalgo, Jr.

Social Distortion temporarily disbanded in 1985, due to frontman Ness' drug addiction and troubles with the law, which resulted in extended stints in various rehabilitation centers, that lasted for two years. However, the band reformed around 1986 and has remained active since then, even after the death of longtime guitarist Dennis Danell, who succumbed to a brain aneurysm in 2000. Since its inception the band lineup has been a virtual revolving-door of talent, with many members coming and going – Ness being the only constant member.

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Mike Ness
since 1978 Lead vocal, Guitar
since 2000 Background vocals, Guitar
Dennis Danell
since 1979 till 2000 Bass, Guitar
Brent Harding
since 2004 Background vocals, Bass
David Hidalgo Jr.
since 2010 Percussion, Drum set
Christopher Reece
since 1984 till 1994 Percussion, Drum set
Charlie Quintana
since 2000 till 2009 Percussion, Drum set
John Maurer
since 1984 till 2004 Bass
Chuck Biscuits
since 1996 till 2000 Percussion, Drum set
Derek O'Brien
since 1981 till 1984 Percussion, Drum set
Brent Liles
since 1981 till 1984 Bass
Bob Stubbs
since 1983 till 1985 Drum set
John “Carrot” Stevenson
since 1979 till 1981 Drum set
Rikk Agnew
since 1978 till 1979 Guitar
Frank Agnew
since 1978 till 1979 Guitar
Randy Carr
since 1994 till 1995 Percussion, Drum set
Casey Royer
since 1978 till 1979 Percussion, Drum set
Deen Castronovo
since 1995 till 1996 Percussion, Drum set
Eddie Livingston
since 1995 till 1996 Percussion, Drum set
since 2009 till 2010 Percussion, Drum set
Matt Freeman
since 2004 till 2005 Bass
Timothy Maag
since 1979 till 1979 Bass

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