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United States
1985 / Present


GWAR is a satirical thrash metal/punk band formed in 1985-1986 by a group of artists and musicians at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. The band is perhaps best known for their elaborate sci-fi/horror film inspired costumes, raunchy lyrics, and graphic stage performances, which can consist of scatology, sadomasochism, necrophilia, paedo-necrophilia, beastio-necrophilia, fire dancing, fake pagan rituals, mock executions/mutilations, and other controversial violent and political themes. GWAR was, for a long time, on the leading edge of shock rock, going as far as appearing on Jerry Springer in character and in full costume during the mid-1990s.

The band was the result of the collaboration between Hunter Jackson and Dave Brockie, then the singer for a punk band called Death Piggy. Jackson was working on a movie at the time the two met. The movie, entitled Scumdogs of the Universe, featured a plot involving terrifying intergalactic barbarians. Jackson and Brockie combined their ideas, re-named the band Gwar, and have been performing as ghoulish intergalactic warriors ever since. Their costumes are generally made of foam latex, styrofoam, and hardened rubber. It should be noted that the costumes they are wearing actually cover very little with the rest of their bodies being accentuated with makeup. They further their production in concert by dousing, spraying, and at times nearly drowning their audiences with imitation blood, semen, gore, and other bodily fluids. All the fluids are made of water and dye that washes out easily. It is rumored that corn syrup or a similar product has been used as a thickener.

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Oderus Urungus
since 1985 Unknown
BalSac the Jaws of Death
since 1985 Unknown
Beefcake the Mighty
since 1987 Unknown
Jizmak da Gusha
since 1989 Unknown
Flattus Maximus
since 1987 till 2011 Unknown
Slymenstra Hymen
since 1988 till 2002 lib/muslib/membership_type_1
Techno Destructo
since 1988 till 2000 lib/muslib/membership_type_1
Hans Orifice
since 1985 till 1987 Unknown
GWAR Woman
since 1986 till 1988 lib/muslib/membership_type_1
Cornelius Carnage
since 1986 till 1987 Unknown
Nippleus Erectus
since 1987 till 1988 Unknown
Joey Slutman
since 1985 till 1986 Unknown
Steven Sphincter
since 1985 till 1986 Unknown
Kim Dylla
since 2014 till 2015 Lead vocal
Casey Orr
Johnny Slutman
since 1985 till 1985 Unknown
Mr. Magico
since 1985 till 1985 Unknown
Hans Sphincter
since 1985 till 1985 Unknown
Tim Harriss
since 1986 till 1986 Unknown
till 1998 Unknown
Sleazy P. Martini
The Temptress
since 1986 till 1986 lib/muslib/membership_type_1
Todd Evans

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