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1982 / Present


Artillery is a Danish thrash metal band. They participated in the early development of the genre, and their highly energetic, riff-centric and often fast-paced music is similar in style to that of Slayer and Megadeth from the same era.

The band formed in 1982 in Taastrup, a suburban town near Copenhagen. The members were guitarists Jørgen Sandau and Michael Stützer, bassist Morten Stützer, drummer Carsten Nielsen and singer Carsten Lohmann. The group recorded the demos Shellshock and Deeds of Darkness in 1984.

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Michael Stützer
since 1982 till 1991 Guitar
since 1998 till 2000 Guitar
since 2007 Guitar
Morten Stützer
since 1982 till 1988 Bass
since 1989 till 1991 Guitar
since 1999 till 1999 Bass
since 1998 till 2000 Guitar
since 2007 till 2019 Guitar

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