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United States
1997 / Present


Perpetual Groove did not exist as it does now in the very beginning of its life. This story begins on the steps of the Savannah Civic Center, where Brock Butler met Adam Perry after freshman orientation at the Savannah College of Art & Design. A few yards away was their dormitory, The Oglethorpe House. This would be the site of their first jams together and many late night sessions with the other band members.

Adam & Brock immediately hit it off and soon began the search for the other pieces needed to form some sort of workable band. Joe Stickney and Brett Hinton were added to the collective shortly thereafter on drums and keys, respectively. Soon after, everyone began taking the first steps to writing music together. The four friends would spend their freshman year in school seeking out the sounds of Perpetual Groove in their dorm rooms, much to the dismay of their neighbors.

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Brock Butler
since 1997 Unknown
Adam Perry
since 1997 Bass
Albert Suttle
since 2001 Unknown
Matt McDonald
since 2001 Unknown

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