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United States
2005 / Present


Chairlift was an electro-pop band formed in 2005 in Boulder, Colorado, United States. The band consisted of Caroline Polachek (vocals, keyboards) and Patrick Wimberly (bass, drums). The third founding member, Aaron Pfenning (guitar, synths, vocals), left the band in 2010. In December 2016, Chairlift announced that they would be breaking up, with a final tour in the spring of 2017 .

The band formed in Boulder, Colorado in early 2006 to make live music for haunted houses. Frequenting the Broker Inn on the edge of town for empty late-night jazz shows, Polachek, Pfenning and Wimberly were mystified by the 1980's faux-gothic architecture, oak-cabinet aquariums, vacant dancefloors, fake trees, crystal chandeliers and dark velveteen booths. Relocating to Brooklyn in the summer of 2006, the trio continued on to develop a hypnotic yet tongue-in-cheek style, playing shows around Brooklyn and the Lower East Side.

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Caroline Polachek
since 2005 till 2017
Patrick Wimberly
since 2007 till 2017 Unknown
Aaron Pfenning
since 2005 till 2010

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