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United States
1999 / Present


Formed in Macon, Georgia, United States in 1999 by K.Angylus and M.Dragynfly, The Angelic Process produced music over an eight year period. Pioneers and figureheads of the ambient drone metal subgenre of extreme music, their stylistic influence can be found in numerous other bands that have followed. With a sound that fused layered guitar drone and complex yet fluidly shifting time signatures, The Angelic Process forged new musical ground, and over the course of three studio albums and two EPs, developed and refined a sound that has been described as "the sound of the soul."

The band was known for their unique and engaging live performances. Blasting noise, complex melodies, droning guitar resonance, rippling bass, tom-heavy martial drums, and haunting, ethereal vocals collided to create violently ambient songs that had a definite shape and progression, but enveloped the audience in warm, immersive soundscapes.

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