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United States
1990 / Present


The StarChildren is a band that Billy Corgan used to release songs that didn't fit into the Smashing Pumpkins style. Using this band name Billy and others performed live 3 times. One was actually bootlegged, 6/18/94. Isolation was released on A Means to an End. Delusions of Candor was released on a 7" with some Catherine material. The band hasn't played together since 1994.

The Starchildren was a side project of The Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan. They played several shows in the mid-1990's with constantly rotating band members. Billy Corgan was the only staple band member with the other positions in the band moving between Jimmy Chamberlain, D'arcy Wretzky, James Iha (all of The Smashing Pumpkins), Bob English, Mark Rew, Neil Jendon, Cliff Fox, Mary Magdalene, and Kerry Brown (D'arcy Wretzky's husband and drummer for Catherine.)

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