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1994 / Present


There are multiple artists with this name: 1) A popular British rock band. 2) A Belgian jazz band. 3) A Canadian punk band. 4) A British post-punk duo.

1) Placebo is a three-piece alternative rock band, formed in London, United Kingdom, when former Luxembourg schoolmates Brian Molko and Stefan Olsdal - who never actually spoke to each other at the time - met by accident at South Kensington train station in 1994. During their 'accidental' meet, Molko invited Olsdal to one of his gigs, where Olsdal was impressed by Molko's unique vocals. While briefly known as Ashtray Heart, the band soon settled on the name Placebo, after the drug that has no active ingredient but works because the patient believes it does.

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Brian Molko
since 1994 Guitar, Keyboard, Bass, Lead vocal
Stefan Olsdal
since 1994 Background vocals, Guitar, Keyboard, Bass
Bill Lloyd
since 1996 till 1996 Piano, Keyboard, Bass
since 1998 Bass, Piano, Keyboard
Fiona Brice
since 2008 Violin, Percussion, lib/muslib/membership_type_168, Keyboard
Nick Gavrilovic
since 2009 Lap steel guitar, Guitar, Keyboard
Steve Hewitt
since 1994 till 1994 Percussion, Drum set
since 1995 till 1995 Percussion, Drum set
since 1996 till 2007 Percussion, Drum set
Steve Forrest
since 2008 till 2015 Background vocals, Percussion, Drum set
Robert Schultzberg
since 1994 till 1996 Percussion, Drum set, lib/muslib/membership_type_204
Xavior Roide
since 2003 till 2005 Keyboard
Alex Lee
since 2006 till 2007 Guitar, Keyboard

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