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Biography Charles Spearin

Charles Spearin, founding member of Do Make Say Think, Broken Social Scene and K.C. Accidental released his debut album, The Happiness Project, on Feb. 14, 2009.

The Happiness Project mixes music with spoken interviews which Spearin conducted on persons living in his own neighborhood. A theme throughout each interview is the subject of happiness.

According to the album's liner notes, after the interviews Spearin would listen to the playback "for moments that were interesting in both meaning and melody," Spearin wrote. "By meaning I mean the thoughts expressed, by melody I mean the cadence and inflection that give the voice a singsong quality. It has always been interesting to me how we use sounds to convey concepts.

"Normally, we don’t pay any attention to the movement of our lips and tongue, and the rising and falling of our voices as we toss our thoughts back and forth, just as we don’t pay attention to the curl and swing of the letters as we read."

Performers on The Happiness Project include Kevin Drew (Broken Social Scene), Evan Cranley (Stars), and Justin Small (Do Make Say Think).

Official website for The Happiness Project:

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