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2011 / Present

History Witching Altar


-- Traditional Occult Doom Metal - Recife/PE, Brazil --.

2011 - Now

WITCHING ALTAR is a project created in 2011 by T. Witchlover (Beast Conjurator, Seven Candles, ex-Stormblood) and Peter Vitus (Seven Candles, ex-Preatcher, ex-Electric Mooker) in order to fulfill their oath of reverence to the Traditional Doom Metal Cult.

The idea of put the project in motion came few years ago, between 2008/2009, when the two musicians realized the great lack of traditional doom bands in their country, mainly in their hometown. To find interested musicians in nearly areas also proved to be a very difficult task. Therefore, as two passionate and true worshippers of the low tempo/heavy/obscure/sabbathical sound, they decided to join efforts and give life to the band by their own.

Following the ancient tradition of the D.I.Y. (Doom It Yourself) system, the duo locked themselves in their lair at Big Mojo Home Studio (also known as Peter's bedroom) and waited patiently for the motivational sign. Provided with the finest herbs, gallons of cold beer and their home phonographic material, they started to write the songs that would compose their demo "Vol.1 - Goat" as well as their first full-length album "Ride with the Devil", scheduled to be released sometime in the first semester of 2015.

The members are longtime friends (and cousins, by the way) and also play together in the Blackened Heavy Metal act “Seven Candles”. As a two-man band, “WITCHING ALTAR” will always use guest musicians to record the drums (and other secondary instruments) as well as in possible live performances.

Highly influenced by traditional doom bands and 70's occult rock, “WITCHING ALTAR” sound is a blend of low tones, heavy guitar riffs, dirty bass and hefty rhythmic drums. Menacing laconic vocals plus psychedelic keyboards complete the amalgam; all immersed in a vintage blackened atmosphere.

The members’ main influences are classical bands such as Black Sabbath, Pentagram, Bedemon, Saint Vitus, The Obsessed, Witchfinder General, Pagan Altar, Count Raven and Cathedral. As well as newer bands like Reverend Bizarre, Lord Vicar and Electric Wizard.

Lyrically, “WITCHING ALTAR” focuses in occult themes such as witchcraft, left hand, Satanism, hermetism, sex magick and Thelema. On the other hand, the band also writes about drugs, alcohol, debauchery and human feelings.

In 2013, the demo “Vol.1 – Goat” was released in two different formats: Pro-CDr (via Cianeto Records, Brazil) and Pro-Tape (via Sarlacc Records, Ireland). This release includes two tracks from the upcoming full album plus one Pentagram cover (Relentless). The audience reception for this stuff has been great.

In the end of 2014, they also released an unpublished single. "Ironsides" contains one song from the upcoming split LP with Necro (Brazil) plus one cover for Reverend Bizarre's "Cromwell". Kimi, Sami and Jari from Reverend Bizarre listened to the cover and were very satisfied with it. They personally promoted it on their pages and on Finnish metal media, what has boosted the band's promotion.

In May 2014, due to professional reasons, T. moved to Brasília (country's capital) and still living there. So nowadays the band exists as an interstate act.

Currently the band have two releases scheduled for the first semester of 2015: their first full-length "Ride with the Devil" (CD version via Soul Erazer Records) and a Split LP with Necro (Brazil) via Hydro-Phonic Records. They are also studying the possibility to start playing live gigs next year.


Their songs are available for full streaming here and also on their official links:



E-MAIL: [email protected]


Creative Commons By-SA License
