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History Godslave

2008 April / Present

History Godslave


UPDATE: Godslave have won the "Battle of Metal" and will join ranks with BOLT THROWER, KREATOR, AMON AMARTH at the ROCK AREA FESTIVAL 2009!

Originally founded at the dawn of the new millenium it wasn't until the year 2007 that GODSLAVE finally found a line-up that would allow to rise from the underground to the stage! The five pack from Germany abolished what had been disfunctional for so many years and created a beast of obsession, madness and raw violence! Dedicated to deliver the finest thrash metal, GODSLAVE rose like a phoenix from the ashes!

In 2008, GODSLAVE has finally entered the stage and already created quite some local buzz due to their powerful live shows! The band is going to play several small festivals in the summer to recrute more fans before the next EP „Out Of The Ashes“ will be recorded in July 2008. Once the new songs are mixed and ready, their conquest will continue this fall...

The debut CD „Bound By Chains“ was released on April 12th, the same day that saw the first official gig at the Neckbreaker Festival 2008. GODSLAVE is always available for interviews or playing live! Send all band related questions to Bernhard Lorig, for booking, please contact Tanja Nusser of Mystic Arts Media.

So watch out for GODSLAVE, kicking your ass!

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