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2001 / Present


Pyramaze started in the winter of 2001 in Hjordkær, Denmark when Michael Kammeyer left his former band, Damion. After the split, Michael took a short break from music to clear his mind, gathering new inspiration. After a few months, the idea of writing a complete self-financed album of his own material formed in his mind. The following months were spent in intensive song-writing mode, and by the summer of 2002 Michael found himself with enough material for a complete album. The time had now come to find a name and the ideal musicians for this new band. It was then that Pyramaze began to take form.

The line-up

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Jacob Hansen
since 2011 Background vocals, Guitar, Bass
Jonah Weingarten
since 2002 Keyboard
Matthew Barlow
since 2008 Unknown
Lance King

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