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History Кълн

2001 / Present

History Кълн

Kuln (Bulgarian: 'Sprout') is one of the most successful bands in the bulgarian metal scene. Their hard to classify sound is sometimes called "psychedelic alternative metal" by their fans. The band members claimed that they did not want any formula for the sound, but were indeed influenced by artists such as Tool, The Cure and Meshuggah.

Formed in 2001 in the capital Sofia, Bulgaria, Kuln won the award of the "New Rhytm" music magazine and managed to record its first song "Strah" (Bulgarian: 'Fear') in August, 2001. A month later Kuln performed for their first time in the then-infamous underground music club "O!Shipka". By October 2002 18 songs were recorded with the help of two additional guests - Bobz (Fyeld) and Svilen (Ostava). The Album "Кълн" was released in the same month.

After the departure of Mihail Deliradev Kuln recorded 11 new songs in 2004, this time with all lyrics in English. "Polysenses" was released in the fall of 2005 and was followed by a national tour. In 2006 the band entered the studio for the third time to record their latest album, which is still worked on.

Band Members:


Boyan Karamfilov from 2001 (vocals, bass)

Georgi Djeferski from 2002 (guitar)

Ivan Andreev from 2004 (drums)


Decho Taralejkov from 2001 to 2002 (guitar)

Mihail Deliradev from 2001 to 2004 (drums)

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