dev stack:
English Español Русский
2012 / Present

History Green Dragon

Just a man with a passion for music and an ability to mix it up.

Forged in the fire of the 1970's Disco Inferno, the mighty, mighty (yes we say it twice for that is so fitting for this beast)Green Dragon is a product of the "old school",(which incidentally is spelt school because it was that long ago that "skool" had not been thought of.)The old school where DJs spoken between the records!! GD as he became affectionately known, toured the land of Kings and Princes, making merriment and music in each quarter, but alas the art of speaking was slowly dying. People wanted to mix!

During his tour of this ancient land he discovered that there was no King instead the country had a Queen on the throne and not wanting to upset her, retired to the only true land of the Dragon, Wales.

For several years deep hibernation beset the Green Dragon but now he decide the time is right to challenge the young pretenders who have over the years plied their wares as DJ by simply playing one song after another, without once stopping to interact verbally with their audience. BUT GD isn't going to being "old school" back, he playing them at their own game.

Get ready to witness to rise again of the Mighty, Mighty Green Dragon and his DJ Mix Sets. Free to download and enjoy.

Creative Commons By-SA License
