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Hateful and raw d-beat black metal violence from Québec. Malveillance is French and means "Malevolence". Lyrical themes revolve around the individual and the experience of the absurd and the process of getting accustomed to death as an everpresent anguish and utter loath for mankind in isolation and transcendence all spat out in raspy, necrotic screams akin to the shouted slogans of Discharge, a dissociative frenzy pummelled back and forth in a three chord assault that bursts out like a rabid wolf backed up by the frantic D-beat drumming and the looming noise and tremolo that engulfs you in a pretty similar way to Disclose. While the band obviously seems to relate to bands from Discharge, Disclose, Dust Noise, D-Clone, Zouo to Darkthrone, Mayhem, Hellhammer, there is a crust sound to it, but the band falls better in the black metal zone, it doesn't follow any prescribed set of political ideas. There are also some covers of Ramones on L'appel du Neant / Le Froid du Nord which is a "best of" album.

Malveillence has released some full length albums and several splits and demo tapes:

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