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1980 / Present


In 2002 after a very lengthy hiatus Abel Ganz reformed to perform at a benefit gig at the Classic Rock Society in Rotherham, UK. This was enjoyed so much by all involved that it sparked off the desire to produce a new album. In 2008 Shooting Albatross was released. The album was very well received and was the essence of the new direction the band was heading. Not long after this release founding members Hugh Carter and Hew Montgomery decided to pass the baton and leave the band in the safe hands of Stevie Donnelly, Mick Macfarlane, Denis Smith, Davie Mitchell, and Jack Webb. With this stable line up new creative elements began to emerge and a more pastoral and diverse sound began to surface.

After some notable gigs at The Baltic Prog Festival in Lithuania and the Electric Garden Festival in the UK work began on their latest release titled simply Abel Ganz. On this new release the band were able to draw upon everyone’s creative input - the results of which have earned the band some of the highest praise from reviewers around the world and seen the band fully make the transition from one era to the next with a fusion of melodies and harmonies with subtle nuances and a truly progressive feel.

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Denis Smith
since 1991 Background vocals, Drum set
Davie Mitchell
since 1999 till 2019 Acoustic guitar, Electric guitar, Unknown
Mick Macfarlane
since 2008 Lead vocal, Acoustic guitar, Electric guitar
Stephen Donnelly
since 2008 Bass
Jack Webb
since 2014 till 2020 lib/muslib/membership_type_177, lib/muslib/membership_type_181, Keyboard, lib/muslib/membership_type_329
Alan Hearton
since 2019 lib/muslib/membership_type_329, lib/muslib/membership_type_349, lib/muslib/membership_type_177, lib/muslib/membership_type_181, Keyboard
Alan Reed
since 1983 till 1984 Unknown
David King
Electric guitar

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