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1993 / Present


Pan Sonic (known as Panasonic before legal issues took away the letter A) was two guys (Mika Vainio and Ilpo Väisänen) project from Finland, who started out with long-term, low-frequency, high-decibel experiments and organizing rave parties in the country where "hardly anything happens ever". The minimalistic music of Pan Sonic is composed "from a forbidding array of pure tones, sinewaves, pulses, electronic squelches and ultrasonic waveforms, skilfully arranged into an accessible rhythmic package" mainly taken from the bowels of custom-built sinewave generators.

Given songs titled "Kurnutus" or "Rutina" (that is "Croaking" and "Crackle"), the environmental buzz, crackles and hums emanating from the speakers are hardly a surprise. Despite suggesting a harmless set of natural (sounding) frequencies, Pan Sonic have built up a reputation for fearsome live volume levels and atonal indulgence.

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Ilpo Väisänen
since 1993 till 2010 Unknown
Mika Vainio
since 1993 till 2010 Unknown
Sami Salo
since 1994 till 1996 Unknown

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