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1989 / Present


1. 1989-1999 Hungarian hard rock band, and the first hard rock band in Hungary to win a golden album (Bűn az élet "Life Is Sin" - 1993) Classic lineup 1992-1998: Csaba Abaházi (vocals), Zoltán Abaházi (guitar 1989-1998), Antal Csarnoki (guitar), László Hangyássy (bass), Zoltán Váry (drums, 1992-99). Other members are Csaba Tobola (drums, 1989), Péter Boros (drums, 1989-91, not to be confused with the drummer Péter Boros from Agregator), Norbert Jung (guitar, 1998-99).

2. From 1997-2007 an English indie pop/dream pop band featuring Lisa O'Neill and Emma Anderson (formerly of Lush). They released two studio cds and a handful of singles.



Lévai Hangyássy László
since 1989 till 1999 Bass
since 2013 Bass
Váry Zoltán
since 1991 till 1999 Drum set
since 2013 Electric guitar
Sipos Tamás
since 2013 Lead vocal
Abaházi Csaba
since 1989 till 1999 Lead vocal
Tobola Csaba
since 1989 till 1990 Drum set

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