David Rea had four decades of experience as a professional musician under his belt, and he found himself referred to, more and more often, as a "legend." But David's response was, "Hell, I ain't dead yet!" In fact, in his 60's, David felt that he was hitting his stride, more than ever, as an artist and composer. At the time of his death, he had three projects he was working on.
Born in Ohio, near Akron, in 1946, David began playing Bach on the piano at age 5. By the age of 12, he was playing banjo and guitar. Smitten by the music of Merle Travis and Robert Johnson in his early teens, David also learned from the blues and bluegrass recordings that came north with the rubber workers in Akron's factories. Late at night, under the covers, he'd listen to rock n' roll records played by legendary DJs, who later became friends: Alan Freed, Mad Daddy, Big Wilson and Murray the K.
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