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1992 / Present


Graveland are a Polish black metal band which was formed in 1992 by Rob Darken (born Robert Fudali). The lyrics of Graveland are strongly Viking metal—inspired by nature, darkness, battles/war, Paganism, Celtic beliefs, Heathenism, Norse mythology, and Slavic mythology. Darken, who started Graveland as a solo project in 1992, was influenced by bands such as Bathory and Emperor. He recorded the first demos, Necromanteion and Drunemeton, working alone. In 1993, drummer Maciej "Capricornus" Dąbrowski joined the band, which then recorded In the Glare of Burning Churches. In 1994 the two were joined by Grzegorz "Karcharoth" Jurgielewicz (previously of Infernum) and recorded The Celtic Winter, which was released as an EP by the German label No Colours Records. No Colours currently releases the band's new albums.

In September 2008, four Graveland releases were indexed by the German Federal Authority for Publications unsafe for the Youth (or BPjM). Then, in December 2010, the BPjM applied to have the Dawn of Iron Blades album banned. Graveland are extremely popular among National Socialist black metal (NSBM) fans and generally seen as a National Socialist band. Darken rejects this label, however, and told Decibel magazine: "I do not think Graveland is an NSBM band. Graveland is regarded as a NSBM band because of my political convictions, [which] most people would call extreme right-wing, National Socialist convictions."

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Rob Darken
since 1991 Lead vocal
since 1993 till 1999 Drum set

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