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United Kingdom
2011 January / Present


Hailing from London, England, Eighteen Nightmares At The Lux are for fans of the Cramps, and we'd say that even if they didn't have the word "Lux" in their name. They take early rock'n'roll and rockabilly and give it loads of volume and fuzz, decibels and distortion. The Queens of the Stone Age possessed by the ghost of Johnny Burnette, as someone described them. These aren't riffs, they're rampages.

It's garage and goth with the lunge of grunge, or something. There used to be a rockabilly revival every two years. It was the law back in the '70s and '80s but there doesn't appear to have been one for a while, which is why Eighteen Nightmares At The Lux sound oddly fresh, a strange thing to say about a band who conjure the dead. This is shlockabilly, like the Rocky Horror Show choreographed by the Reverend Horton Heat. It's what you thought the Horrors were going to sound like from the way they used to look. In case you need prompting, they did a photo shoot, in which they look ghoul as fuck, like undead versions of Clockwork Orange droogs. A little bit punky, a little bit cabaret. Anyway, they call what they do "fuzzabilly".

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